ARS Uniform Guides

Non Uniform Dress Policy:

Students are expected to adhere to the ARS non-uniform dress code; modest attire that is in line with the Quran and Sunnah. ARS Head of School and/or Principal has the discretion to address severe deviation from acceptable dress code. Clothing may not include images, or any messages contrary to the mission of Al Rahmah School. The ARS dress code is in effect at all school and community-sponsored events in which the student is acting in his/her capacity as an ARS member.

Male Student Dress Code:

  • Loose-fitting, modest pants and shirt. No shorts or tank tops are allowed. 

Female Student Dress Code:

  • Headscarf must be worn at all times (as per grade level requirement).
  • Loose-fitting, modest pants and shirt. No shorts or tank tops are allowed.