I am proud of the Islamic Knowledge gained by my children at Al-Rahmah School. Al-Rahmah School Parent
We believe that the Islamic Studies curriculum should be built with the purpose of developing strong Muslim youth, who are focused on pleasing Allah and representing Islam in the best way to the greater community. Our students, with the help of Allah, will have the tools necessary to build and maintain their Islamic identity, to practice their religion with dedication, to teach others about Islam, to serve/improve their community, and to persevere throughout that process.
Al-Rahmah School’s AIQ department is revamping the entire AIQ curriculum in order to make it more efficient and productive for our students. The proposed new curriculum will be completed and implemented before start of school year 2015-2016, insha Allah.
Click Here to view the current state of the proposed Curriculum. Please note that this document is still being finalized, is fluid, and is changing. Please visit this page often to keep up-to-date with the latest changes in the document.
I am proud of the Islamic Knowledge gained by my children at Al-Rahmah School. Al-Rahmah School Parent
The following resources are available for Al-Arabiya Baynayadak. Watching these videos will be very helpful for students. The videos have all the lessons for book 1.
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL88CDD3C1F59C647D
Books and CD online: http://www.al3arabiya.org/2009/03/al-arabiyatu-bayna-yadayk-arabic.html