Registration for Returning Lions

Due to the limited number of spaces available and the desire of many families to join the Al-Rahmah School (ARS) family, re-enrollment is in MARCH where all current students in good academic and financial standing have guaranteed admissions. Failure to do so may result in loss of enrollment privileges for the family for the following school year. The signing of the intent to enroll does not constitute full registration. Parents must fully register any returning students by the deadline set by the school.


*Fees for re-enrollment is $60.00 per child from MARCH 12th – MARCH 26th. After MARCH 26th, re-enrollment fee will be $125.00 per student.


In order for a returning student to be fully registered, the following requirements must be met:

  1. A complete online application form: the link to the registration form will be sent via email.
  2. Pay registration, resource fees, activity fees, and class dues by JULY 1st.
  3. Updated records.
  4. Pay the first tuition installment by AUGUST 1st.